Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Take That!

I find when people tell me that I can't do something, I try my best to prove them wrong. Last semester, when I was extremely sick my chemistry profressor not only told me that I wouldn't be able to pass his class, but that I should go ahead and take a medical leave from all my classes. Determined not to let this happen, I worked through my sicknesses and I managed to pass all my classes. Take that.

I just hate when people feel they can't do things, because others tell them its not possible. Only you know your limits. A lot of the time great talents go unseen, because someone has doubted them. This should't be the case. People should encourage others to test out their abilities. Don't let others decide for you.

Haha, that's my rant for today. Also, if you haven't read Heaven is For Real you need to! Amazing book.

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